Computers Main Online Services Web Development

Solution for Joomla Strict Standards Error (After Installation) | Joomla 1.0, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 and 3

Recently we have come across a problem, which is coming to the Joomla Developers. After installing Joomla on the localhost server, developers are getting the following error on all pages of their site.

Strict Standards: Static function JDatabase::test() should not be abstract in C:\xampp\htdocs\Joomla\libraries\joomla\database\database.php

Strict Standards: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in C:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\libraries\joomla\cache\cache.php on line 420

Strict Standards: Accessing static property JCache::$_handler as non static in C:\xampp\htdocs\joomla\libraries\joomla\cache\cache.php on line 422

Please follow the below steps in order to resolve this error :

1. Visit the localhost where you have installed the Joomla. Try loading the pages. On every page, you get the error like,
Solution for Joomla 1.7 - Strict Standards Error

2. Then open the php.ini file, which is present in the php directory on your system. If you have installed XAMPP, then the location of php.ini file is “C:\xampp\php“.

3. Press CTRL+F to find error_reporting. First one is with the semi-colon (;) and second one is without the semi-colon.

4. Change that 2nd one to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

5. Set display_errors = off

6. Now go to your Control Panel of the XAMPP or WAMP. And restart the Apache Server.

Now all such errors are resolved from your site. For more help, you can watch the below video.

Note : You can add full security to your Joomla Website by purchasing the Joomla Guard.


Online Services WordPress

Solution for – Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /wordpress/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1183

Solution for - Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /wordpress/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1183
Solution for - Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /wordpress/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1183

After the release of WordPress Data Guard Pro Plugin (Version 2.9), few users reported that they are getting the error like :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\capabilities.php on line 1183

If you run into the same problem, then there is a simple solution for it.

Just write the below code in wordpress/wp-includes/capabilities.php after ?php sign.


Now you will be able to load all the pages without any error.

So, What is the exact problem :
This problem arises when one of your plugin or theme file wants to get the user type (e.g. Administrator, Editor, Contributer, Author, Subscriber) either in form of a function or in form of variable.

For Example, the below code will generate the same error, if placed in a plugin file:

if(current_user_can('level_10')) {$user_is = 'Admin';}
else {$user_is = 'Not Admin'; }

So in such cases, you can include the pluggable.php file into capabilities.php file.

Note : You might bookmark this page for the future references, as after updating the wordpress, capabilities.php gets restored to default, and then you need to follow the same procedure again.

Computers General Awereness Media Online Services

How to upload video of more than 15 minutes on Youtube ?

If you want to upload any video on youtube, which is longer than 15 minutes, then upload it. But once you upload that video, Youtube will show you a message “This video has been removed because it is too long. Sorry about that.”

This video has been removed because it is too long. Sorry about that.
This video has been removed because it is too long. Sorry about that.

This problem occurs with the unverified youtube users. Unverified users can only upload videos of length upto 15 Minutes. So to bypass this limit, you need to have a verified youtube account.

Here is the procedure of verifying your youtube account:

1. Log into your youtube account. Then click on Upload button.

2. Now click on the link says “Increase your limit” as shown below, (Or visit directly at

Increase youtube video uploading limit
Increase Youtube video uploading limit

3. Enter your mobile phone number into the relevant text-box.

Increase youtube video uploading limit
Increase Youtube video uploading limit

4. After submitting the mobile phone number, you’ll receive a text-message from Google, which will contain a verification code. Enter that verification code as shown below.

Increase youtube video uploading limit
Increase Youtube video uploading limit

Now your Youtube account is verified, and you can upload videos of more than 15 minutes length.

Increased youtube video uploading limit
Increased Youtube video uploading limit
Computers Office Online Services Portable Drives

Microsoft Office 365 – Cloud Computing – Features and Pricing

The world is moving into a new generation of Computing, named Cloud Computing, where our all of our local hard-disk data goes at the online servers.

Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365

Cloud Computing is really fast, reliable and secure. Rest all you need to have is high speed broadband onto your network.

Cloud Computing are used from a small office to the large enterprises. Companies can grant access to the project specific employees so that different documents and files could be used in a collaborative manner.

Some of the example of Cloud computing are Microsoft Office 365, Google Apps, Zoho Docs, Salesforce etc.

Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365

Today, Google Docs and Zoho have already captured the online documentation and collaboration market, but we can’t ignore Microsoft Office 365.


Prior to Office 365, Microsoft has already provided many online tools like SkyDrive, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Microsoft Office Web Apps, Lync etc. And now with the help of all these products Microsoft can leave others (Cloud Computing Services) far behind.

If you want to know more about Office 365, you can have a look at the below infographic design from cloudhypermarket.

Microsoft Office 365 Infographic
Microsoft Office 365 Infographic
Computers Internet Virals News Online Services

New Twitter Keyboard Shortcuts

Twitter has just released its new interface for web and mobile web (Android and iOS apps).
Now Twitter has new much better interface along with a number of improvements.

There are four new tabs in new Twiiter Interface.
Home Timeline, Connect, Discover, Me

Though the new interface is not available to all Twitter users, but it has been implemented for most of them.

Here is the list of all keyboard shortcuts :

New Twitter Keyboard Shortcuts
New Twitter Keyboard Shortcuts

Home Timeline:

  • G H- Home
  • G D- Discover
  • G C- Connect
  • G P- Profile
  • G M- Messages
  • G F- Favorites
  • G R- Mentions
  • G U- Go to user


  • ? – This Menu
  • . – For loading new tweets
  • / – Search
  • {Spacebar} – Page Down
  • J – Next Tweet
  • K – Previous Tweet


  • R – Reply
  • N – New Tweet
  • T – Retweet
  • R – Reply
  • M – Direct message
  • {Enter} – Open Tweet details
  • L – Close all open Tweets

It may be possible that you have not got new twitter interface. But don’t worry Twitter is changing it for all users and soon you’ll also see the new interface to your twitter account.

Computers Internet Virals Main Online Services Technology Web Development

10 Useful Tips for WordPress Plugins Developers to Enter into WordPress Extend Directory

WordPress is a most popular blogging platform, and all wordpress developers want their plugin/theme to be in WordPress Extend Directory.

Developing WordPress Plugins and Themes and Uploading it to WordPress Extend Directory
Developing WordPress Plugins and Themes and Uploading it to WordPress Extend Directory

There are thousands of developers who design wordpress themes and plugins, but wordpress has number of restrictions if they want to upload their creation to the WordPress Extend directory, due to which many developers can’t post their products into it. This article will give a strong benefit to such developers.

Here are the key points you should remember while developing a plugin. You will become eligible to enter into the WordPress Directory, after implementing these steps into your product.

1. All the code in the plugin files must be unique. Files containing copied codes from other plugins/themes are not acceptable.

2. All the code in the plugin files must be visible to everyone. No obfuscated or encoded text is permitted anywhere in the product.

3. All Code must be virus free and doesn’t contain any malicious code in it

4. Adding or embedding ads in the user’s admin area is not permitted.

5. Selling the Ad-Space in the user’s admin area is not allowed.

6. Tracking users is not permitted

7. Use of iFrame is restricted to WordPress

8. If footer note (Attribution) is being added to the user’s website, then it must be optional and visible to the users. So that if they don’t want to show the footer text, they can disable it.

9. You must add the GPL License to the code.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see

10. Product should be useful and user-friendly.

For all guidelines, please visit

Happy Coding! 🙂

General Awereness Internet Virals Main Online Services

Google Plus Friends Limit: You’ve reached the maximum number of people that can be in your circles at this time.

We are receiving number of emails from our users saying that they can’t add more people to their circles in Google Plus.
Whenever they are adding new people to the circle, the below message is displayed :

You’ve reached the maximum number of people that can be in your circles at this time.

Google+ Limit : You've reached the maximum number of people that can be in your circles at this time
Google+ Limit : You've reached the maximum number of people that can be in your circles at this time

Our support technicians have found that this happens due to the individual’s activeness for his Google+ account, but in total you can add only 5000 friends.

1. If the Individual has just created his account with Google+, then he can only add few hundred people to his circle in 1 day.

2. If he uses Google+ a lot and adds people to his circle on a daily basis, then there is a limit of 5000 friends.

So, when an active user has added 5000 people to his circle then this error message will be displayed to him, and he won’t be able to add more people to his circle.

If you have less than 5000 Friends in Google Plus, then limitation is for a couple of days, which will automatically get extended by looking at the activeness of that user. So, you need to wait for a couple of days, to add more friends.

We are constantly doing the experiments to find out more solutions of this limitation.

If you have any suggestions/comments for the same, then please write them below.

General Awereness Main Online Services

How to Delete Facebook Fan Pages Permanently from Your Account ?

What are Facebook Fan Pages?
Well, as the name signifies, Facebook Fan Pages are just like groups, which could be joined by anyone if the subject and matter suits his mind.

Most of us use this service from facebook, but there could be a situation to delete any specific fan page.

So here is the method to delete that facebook page from your account.

1. First of all login to your facebook account.

2. Now click on the Ads and Pages (present in left side).

3. Now, you will see list of all the pages created by you.

4. Then click on the Edit link.

5. Just below the page’s name (on the top), there is a link to Delete. Click on that Delete link. And then your page will get deleted.

Note : this this deletion will be be recovered again.

Online Services

Backup and Download Your Google Account Data

Google provides a range of services, and everyone of us rely on them.
There is nothing strange if we rely on them, but if you lose your data from google account accidentally or someone deletes all your data by knowing your password, then what will you do?

So why not to be in safer side, and save all our data from google to our hard disk.

To download all your data from Google account, follow the below steps.

1. Go to your GMail account.

Backup and Download Your Google Account Data

2. Click on your profile icon, and select “Account Settings”

Backup and Download Your Google Account Data

3. Click on “Data Liberation”

Backup and Download Your Google Account Data

4. Now you can either download your data individually for the mentioned options or click on “Download your data” to get more options.


Computers Entertainment & Fun General Awereness Online Services

How to get Cached link for a Web Page in Google Search ?

What is the need for Cache ? : Google saves a snapshot and copy of web pages in their servers, which could be accessed offline. There are lot of benefits of this cache. For example, one can vie the web page if the main server is down and so on.

Earlier this cache link was visible on the google search results page, and now its not. But it doesn’t mean that google has removed the Cache link from their website, instead, they have moved this option in the page preview.

To access the cached copy of a web page in google,

1. Search in google. (e.g. original tips)
2. On the search results page, click on forward button and then click on the Cached link to see the cached copy of that web page.

original tips google cached page

There is another method for getting the cached copy of a web page.
perform query in google search with,

And this query will take you directly to the cached copy of the webpage.

So now you can open a cached copy of any web page, anytime.
Enjoy! 🙂