If you want to upload any video on youtube, which is longer than 15 minutes, then upload it. But once you upload that video, Youtube will show you a message “This video has been removed because it is too long. Sorry about that.”

This problem occurs with the unverified youtube users. Unverified users can only upload videos of length upto 15 Minutes. So to bypass this limit, you need to have a verified youtube account.
Here is the procedure of verifying your youtube account:
1. Log into your youtube account. Then click on Upload button.
2. Now click on the link says “Increase your limit” as shown below, (Or visit directly at http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_upload_verify).

3. Enter your mobile phone number into the relevant text-box.

4. After submitting the mobile phone number, you’ll receive a text-message from Google, which will contain a verification code. Enter that verification code as shown below.

Now your Youtube account is verified, and you can upload videos of more than 15 minutes length.